Top 10 Ways to Be an Eco-Friendly Traveler #TravelTips - THG 2017
you’ve ever been a bag packer or traveler, you may have realized how united
and singular the tune to the environment and travel is. Each step on to a new
mountain or experience is always wrapped around the bliss of the never ending
fragrance of green. But it’s been quite upsetting though to see many a times,
the disregard and lack of care shown by travelers during trips and treks
towards the environment.
The distance from being eco-friendly and taking the environment for
granted arises through the feeling of “someone else will clean it” or that “me
alone being environment friendly won’t change the world” that makes a traveler
seem more like an outsider, even though that is exact opposite of what we stand
for. I believe if each of us does out part we could live in a much more happier
and greener society. And down below you will find my Top 10 ways of being a
more responsible and environment friendly traveler.
10. Don’t be a Plucker
We all know you love plucking flowers and making art from leaves, but
the environment is alive and vibrant. And if all of us begin to pluck
everything that blossoms then we would not have a lifeline that goes beyond a
few days.
So unless they have already had their time and have made their way down,
it is not advisable to be a plucker, which will make your quite a sucker!
09. Carry a Garbage Bag
We often complain that Oh, I would have thrown it in the right place if I
would see a dustbin. But let’s be fair to find a Dustbin in the middle of nowhere
or on a mountain is close to impossible. So do your part, always make sure you
carry a garbage or a waste bag which you, or someone who wasn’t as responsible
as you could use.
Many a times on our trips or journeys we may come across an illegal or
not so environment friendly activity. Like hunting, cutting of trees or burning
of crops but we often hesitate to get ourselves involved or take a step. Well,
or we don’t know how we could. The 8th tip is top take the effort to
find out, or try. This maybe something that the environment can’t fight against
(Well, cause they can’t speak) but we can, and if we don’t try to notify the
authorities or do what’s right. Then who will?
07. Avoid Trespassing into Reserved
It may seem like a cool idea or story to tell when you went past those
fences into that reserved forest or territory and did some exploring. But sadly
it may cost you or the Greenland some amount of life in return. As most
reserved lands are protection shields to wildlife and plant’s that are at risk.
Therefore at that point human intervention may not be the most advisable without
prior consent or permission. So please, don’t let your need to do something
unlawful cost the environment, something it needs.
06. Refrain from Smoking
& Liquor Consumption
I know, a cigarette in the middle of nowhere with a bottle of beer may
seem like a scene from a movie. But it could lead to throwing of bottle’s
leading to littering and starting of a fire due to improper putting of the cigarette.
So please be vigilant and try to avoid any unfavorable occurrences.
05. Respect the Environment & Surrounding
While Travelling
We often just stamp over plants or smash over ant hills. There is sense
of responsibility or respect shown to nature or the life that it pays shelter
too. There is a need as a top 5 reason to be humble and more caring of the
surrounding to insure that you are a protector and well wisher instead of being
a threat and careless bad doer. So respect the environment and it will respect
04. Lift All the Waste on Your Way of Other
You may feel if you do well and carry a waste bag and collect your own
waste that should give you a clean chit. But to be fair, that sadly is not
enough. There is a need for picking up other travelers waste as well on your
way. To ensure that you being responsible can hopefully cover up for all the
lack of responsibility your co-travelers and explorers show.
03. Avoid Using Plastic Bottle’s & Disposable
It may seem easier to just carry a plastic bag or an old Pepsi bottle
instead of taking the effort to take a paper bag or a non disposable bottle.
But it is quite the strain when it comes to carrying disposable items that you
will soon need to be disposed into the open because it will add to your back
weight and sooner or later you may take the convenient option of littering
which would not help the environment in any way.
02. Support Plantation Drives & Animal
Welfare Programs by NGOs
One way of being an Eco-Friendly Traveler is by supporting others that
are doing good work in this space. Few organizations that have frequent
campaigns and initiatives to help the environment are . Do support, donate,
volunteer and be involved as their cause is to protect our home. An as an
Eco-friendly traveler that must be our duty and agenda as well.
01. Initiate Clean Up’s & Cleanliness
Drives as Part of Your Trip Itinerary
It is great to see other NGOs take initiatives but the change will only
begin if each one of us begins to take the initiative to do our part. To start
to incorporate nature friendly activities and drives as part of our trips to
ensure that we are not just enjoying the beauty of travelling but are also
helping preserve its beauty.
I hope you enjoyed this read, please do share inputs and suggestions if
you feel there is something I have missed out and could add to this list. I
love volunteering and giving back to the society and this write up is an effort
to connect it to a passion of mine that is to travel. Please do, do your parts
and share this write up with as many people as you can so that they can become
more responsible travelers.
Hope you have a safe, adventurous and eco-friendly weekend!
Edited & Written by Alvin Anthony
do share, comment and subscribe. Happy Travelling!
The Happy Getaway Network
Twitter @thehappygetaway
Disclaimer: All images used are Stalk/Borrowed images and do not belong to the blog, they are used for representation purposes only and belong to the rightful owners.
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